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Buy You Some Music - week 8 2020

New Music Consume

I figured that every time I update my Buy Music Club page I should write a few words about each of my picks - this is the first one of those.

What’s this Buy Music Club, you ask?

In their own words,

A website for curating and sharing lists of independent music downloads available on Bandcamp.

In a nutshell, you create a page for your recommendations and paste in a few URLs for music available on Bandcamp - all of this is done with zero friction. You click a button, add the links, enter a title and short description (optional, if I recall correctly), and boom, it’s published and you get a password (no username) so that you can edit the list in the future - save it in your password manager, along with the URL for your page.

Now is the time to point out you won’t get any money for it, and as far as I can tell neither will the people who run the Buy Music Club. That is not the point, refreshingly.

Anyway, without further ado, here is my list as of today:

Duelling Ants - Random Gestures

This is so far my favourite album of 2020 - it’s beautiful, gentle, happy, and has been surprising me every time I play it (that is to say, every day since it was released).

a beautiful burning world - Ambient Piano Pieces Vol II

A mere 2 months after the first volume, this is more of the same, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Subtle, whispered piano pieces lovingly put to tape.

Amulets - AMULETS / drowse Split

Randall Taylor and Kyle Bates just work, so you get a cohesion which could easily fool you into thinking they have started a band. Maybe they should.

Edit: It doesn’t make sense to have the embedded list here, as that will get dynamically updated and not match the mini-reviews. Added the original links to these.